Despite this, the Xbox One X still sits at the top of the Best Seller list in Video Games. Higher than the new Call of Duty, Madden 16, and the PS4 Pro.

Long-term Sales

Of course, pre-orders do not necessarily equate to complete purchases. Users can cancel their purchase at any time before the release day and aren’t charged until it ships. The figure is just indicative of the console’s initial popularity, and it may not continue over an extended period. As a result, Pachter’s prediction isn’t debunked quite yet. We noted then that the console’s success will not be down to enthusiast gamers, but more casual ones. Pre-orders definitely fall into the latter category. Whatever the case, things seem more intense than Microsoft anticipated. Speaking on YouTube with Rocket Beans, Xbox marketing head Aaron Greenberg said: Thankfully, Greenberg has vowed that Microsoft will do everything it can to keep up with demand. “All the signs are that it’s gonna be the number one hit product of this holiday,” he said.

Strong Pre Orders Propel Xbox One X to Top of Amazon s Best Seller List - 39Strong Pre Orders Propel Xbox One X to Top of Amazon s Best Seller List - 90Strong Pre Orders Propel Xbox One X to Top of Amazon s Best Seller List - 74Strong Pre Orders Propel Xbox One X to Top of Amazon s Best Seller List - 72Strong Pre Orders Propel Xbox One X to Top of Amazon s Best Seller List - 1