This article was contributed by Cynthia Madison who works as an author at Media consumption is largely driven by mobile usage, which has grown a remarkable 460% since 2011. Younger generations, such as Millennials and Gen Z, are very reliant on mobile, so they spend a lot of time on their phones, constantly scrolling on social media. The rise of mobility has had a substantial impact on society, changing the way people communicate, have fun, and do business. It’s pretty evident that smartphones and tablets have become irreplaceable – we simply can’t live without them. Whatever the future might hold, it’s sure that it will be mobile. But there are drawbacks to progress.
Texting And Cell Phone Use Cause Car Accidents
With driving, there’s a lack of stimulation, so people are tempted to use their cell phones. In many states in the US, it’s illegal to do so. Unfortunately, the US has the lowest reduction in crash deaths as compared to other high-income countries. If you’re caught using a hand-held device while driving in the UK, no matter if it’s for talking, texting, or shooting videos, you face steep fines, according to Not long ago, there was a legal loophole, which meant that many drivers were able to take pictures, search playlists, and even play games while driving without breaking the law. It’s a good thing the UK laws on mobile devices got harsher. It’s impossible to give the necessary focus and attention to driving when using a mobile device. An error can be catastrophic. After using your phone, you need a few minutes to regain full attention. During this time, your driving is impaired. Using a hands-free device poses a similar level of risk as using a hand-held phone. You fail to see fully visible but unexpected obstacles because your attention was engaged on another task. This is called inattentional blindness. Several technologies have been developed to try to eliminate the potential distractions from our mobile devices. For instance, there are apps that block social media updates and posts. Other technologies are in development, and the challenge is to make consumers aware that solutions exist.
Personal Injury Lawyers Are Able to Use Data from The Cell Phone Provider
Car accidents leave victims severely injured, crippled, and traumatized. The chances of dying in a car accident are relatively high. In civil litigation, liability must be established to determine appropriate compensation. Proving that the defendant was violating the law by engaging in distracted behavior can be highly effective in this respect. Cell phone data can be used as evidence in a personal injury case to prove fault. Lawyers can obtain the information they need from the cell phone carrier and prove the defendant was using the mobile device leading up to the collision. Even if the phone was destroyed in the crash, the company would most likely have the records. If there are no witnesses to the car accident or the witnesses didn’t get a glimpse of cell phone usage, allegations become a matter of “he said, she said”. With the help of a legal professional, it’s possible to get hold of the phone records, which indicate if the defendant picked up a call or received texts around the time of the accident. If the cell phone carrier doesn’t submit the records voluntarily, the attorney can file a subpoena, which obligates them to cooperate in the matter. It’s essential for the plaintiff to log the time of the accident, report it to the police officer, and make sure that time is included in the report.
The Courts Are Careful to Protect Privacy Interests
Text messages, emails, and even GPS data can be relevant to litigation. Any other piece of information that isn’t relevant to the case is private and confidential. It’s up to the courts to safeguard privacy and protect data. More exactly, the discovery request should be tailored to the information that can’t be obtained elsewhere. Only relevant data should be extracted by a neutral third party. Cell phone records are important sources of private information. Privacy considerations can, therefore, limit the discoverability of mobile data, so it will be necessary to seek alternative sources of data.
How To Reduce The Risks Of Mobile Device Use While Driving
Using a mobile device while driving can lead to fatal errors. Despite the risks being heavily presented in the media, it appears that many people aren’t discouraged from using their smartphones or tablets at the wheel. Multitasking is demanding, meaning that it significantly reduces levels of concentration and impairs the ability to make sound decisions. The good news is that it’s possible to reduce the risks of a crash. We hope these tips will help you out.
Pick Your Playlist Before Starting Your Car
Listening to music while driving reduces stress levels, which in turn helps concentrate and focus. Find the songs you want to listen to before you hit the open road. This way, you’ll be safe. Changing songs while driving is a manual distraction. By taking your hand off the wheel, you reduce reaction time and increase the risk of a collision. This is why you should make your playlist before you head out.
Try The “Do Not Disturb While Driving” Mode
Access your mobile device’s notifications shade and tap on the Do Not Disturb icon. This will limit or completely silence the incoming messages and calls. You can focus on your driving and catch up with your notifications at a more appropriate time. You can set up an automatic reply with a custom message aimed at people trying to contact you. Mobile device use can be addictive, so this easy-to-use feature puts you out of action.
Stay Focused When on The Road
Finally, yet importantly, stay focused on the road. Mobile device usage should be kept to a minimum. Look up directions ahead of time so that you have an idea of your driving route. If you’ve multitasked while driving before, don’t do it anymore. Nothing has happened because you’ve been lucky. Even if driving is a common, everyday activity, it’s dangerous if you fail to pay attention to what’s going on.
About the author
Cynthia Madison is an author at with a solid technical, business, and financial foundation. She’s responsible for providing share-worthy articles that deliver value straight to the point. Cynthia enjoys watching thought-provoking TED talks on technology advancements in her spare time. She lives a “never stop learning” life.